Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

Fleiri dúllur....

Fleiri ömmudúllur að bætast í hópinn fyrir töskuna og hver er annari betri :) Rosa gaman að gera dúllu, geng frá endunum jafnóðum þegar ég skipti um lit, góð sýnikennsla hjá Mikey hvernig ganga á frá endum. Ég er farin að hallast á að 2 litir komi betur út en 3 amk í þessum litum. Síðan á ég eftir að hekla svart utan um allar dúllurnar og sauma þær saman, en ég ætla fyrst að gera fleiri dúllur í viðbót.
Fann hérna ofsa fallega töskuuppskrift með popcorn dúllum:
En mun fara aðallega eftir aðferðinni hjá Expert Village.

Work in Progress :) made more granny squares for my granny square bag :) Each one looks better than the last one. :) I'm really addicted now to crocheting granny squares, it's so much fun and I want to learn how to do different squares as well and soo much more :)

Sadly the quality of the yarn I got for these Granny Sqare wasn´t that good. I did go extra to a wool shop in town and asked for a good beginners yarn for crocheting. This was cheap but really hard to use, since it unravels as you are working with it. But on the other hand, mastering crochet with bad yarn and you can do anything ;) I assume. After I used this yarn for my mobile case and saw how it went all ugly being in use. I decided to kill the project of making the bag ( for now at least!).
So my message to you - ALWAYS USE GOOD QUALITY YARN for any of your projects - it might cost you a bit more, but then you will have the urge to finish your project (so it´s no wasted money) and you will be able to enjoy what you make out of it longer and last and most important: SAVES YOU ALOT OF HEADACHES WHILE WORKING ON YOUR PROJECT AS WELL AS IT IS MORE FUN - AND FUN WE WANT RIGHT ;-)

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